Wednesday, April 25, 2012

红茶馆 Red Vegetarian Restaurant

    红茶馆,位于Rawang Mutaira2,是一间健康的餐馆。红茶馆所售卖的板面可说是数一数二的,因为板面的味道鲜甜,而且是素食品。由于它的汤底是由多种蔬菜及豆类所熬煮出来的,因此汤的味道鲜甜,充满着蔬菜及豆的飘香味。这让顾客们能够在此享用既美味,又健康的板面。此外,它的长度,让顾客们佩服的五体投地,因为它有着两尺的长度,因此它被称为”两尺板面“!这样鲜甜的“两尺板面”是在其他店铺所找不到的!


   Red Vegetarian Restaurant is located at Rawang Mutiara 2 which is a healthy restaurant.Mee Souo that sold at Red Vegetarian Restaurant is famous because it is tasty and healthy as it is vegetarian.The soup is cooked with a variety of vegetables and beans so that the taste of the soup is delicious and nutritious.Besides,the length of the mee is 2 feet long and this let the customers feel unbelievable because it cannot be found in other places.The boos use 2 feet for his mee because 2 is a lucky number of Chinese.
  Because of these characteristics,it makes the soup to be famous in Malaysia.Red Vegetarian Restaurant had been shown in the food programs of 8TV and Astro. If u want to watch the video,pls click me.